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Hints and Tips for a smooth transition to a new school term


Staying calm and being organised in the morning will help you all feel positive about the day ahead and being calm and organised in the evening leads to a calmer bed time routine for a good nights sleep.

1) Prepare a weekly or daily planner for the family or each individual so events don't get missed and items not forgotten eg library or sport day, excursions.

2) Prepare uniform and school bag the night before. Involve student in the preparation.

3) Set an alarm that enables enough time for a stress free morning.

4) Healthy nutritious breakfast. Fuel for effective learning.

5) Healthy snack after school

6) Minimise extra curricular activities as appropriate for their age. One activity per week is enough for a kindy/year 1 child.

7) Reading, home work, study

8) Set dinner time

9) Schedule in home chores as appropriate for age

10) Bed time/sleep routine as per visual below - Adapted for age.

Remember things don't always go to plan. So if need be change the plan or try again tomorrow!!


We spend up to a third of our lives sleeping, so the quality and quantity of sleep is important to our overall health and wellbeing.

To prepare your child for a good night's sleep, it's important to have a routine.

Try to do the same routine before bed each night so that their bodies understand that this routine leads to sleep.

Avoiding all stimulants like sugary or gassy drinks, food and screens for 1-2 hours before bed

Have the bedroom tech free at night to avoid any temptation or disturbance.

Make sure the bedroom is conducive to sleep. Make sure it is dark enough (or a night light if required) quiet, comfortable and the right temperature.

Below is a guide for the recommended amount of sleep required per age group:

3-5 years old : 10-13 hours sleep

6-13 years 9-11 hours sleep

14-17 years : 8-10 hours sleep.

See KOT sleep hygiene blog

School lunches

Successful school lunches need to meet some simple rules.

1) Healthy and nutritious

2) Simple

3) Inviting to eat

4) Easy for small hands to manage- both the food and the containers.

5) Appropriate amount for their age.

6) Minimal packaging as many schools discourage packaging.

7) A water bottle for regular hydration

See the KOT healthy eating BLOG for some healthy food ideas.

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